Dedications And Acknowledgements

I would like to use this page to acknowledge all of the wonderful people who have made this site possible.  Without the patience and support of friends and family, nothing would ever be accomplished.  So, please bear with me while I get all mushy about the special people in my life.  This site is dedicated to them.

To Remmie, my husband, who has taught me how to use FrontPage and how to upload my website. 
To Cayden, who is teaching me how to be an adult while he learns all about being a child.
To Papa, who has always been there for me despite a lack of biological ties.
To Mommie, who has always put up with my ups and downs; even when she hasn't wanted to.


To all my friends, young and old, who have been there to laugh and cry with me, to teach me how to love, and to just be there.

Thank you, this site is for you.


©2002 Melissa Adderley, all rights and wrongs reserved.  Do not publish any material found here without the express permission of the author.